Understanding peer work
Understanding the impact of peer work in public health
Here is all our content that we think will help you better understand peer work in public health.
Peer organisations and programs play an extremely important role in any public health response. Without meaningful input from peers, health responses fail to meet the needs of marginalised and vulnerable communities.
The W3 Framework provides a basis for understanding what works and why in peer work.
Essential guide to understanding peer work in public health
Peer work a key part of an effective public health response. This post covers everything you need to understand peer work.
More on peer work in public health
Still looking for more information? These posts:
- Showcase the work of real peer workers, programs, and organisations
- Go deeper into the theory of how and why peer work can be so effective
This post explains each of the four W3 Functions — the system-level functions that need to be happening to maximise the impact of peer work within a health response — and how they relate to each other.
Living Positive Victoria staff members Sara and Tim share how this peer support service needed to move fast to find ways to keep supporting and engaging clients throughout 2020.
This post reflects on how the peer-led HIV response adapted in the wake of COVID-19. It is a heartwarming testament to how critical peer-led responses are in times of rapid change and crisis.
This project focussed on converting peer insights from peers who use drugs into resources for Australia’s hepatitis C response.
Former BBV Sector Development Program Coordinator Jen Johnson reflects on a series of interviews with peer and community organisation leaders working in the HIV and hepatitis sector about how they were adapting to COVID-19.
Drug user organisations can help influence policy to achieve hepatitis C elimination, but they need a supportive policy environment to do so. Co-authors and peer workers Charles Henderson and Annie Madden share their thoughts on the important messages in this paper.
This presentation focuses on how systems thinking can help demonstrate the role of peer leadership in public health responses.
Graham and Daniel share five surprising things they learned from peer workers about peer-based approaches.