Evaluating peer work

Demonstrating the impact of peer work in public health

Here is all our information about conducting evaluations that can demonstrate the full impact and value of peer work.

Evaluations of peer work should fully demonstrate the unique and vital role that peer work has in public health responses.

Peer work can have strong, positive impacts on communities and on the health system and policies that affect communities.

However, evaluations of peer work often focus only on individual-level impacts. As a result, they can fail to measure broader and further-reaching community-level and system-level impacts.

The W3 Framework can help guide evaluations of peer services, programs, and organisations. This can help evaluators demonstrate the full extent of the peer response’s impact and value.

Essential guide to evaluating peer work

Petrina Hilton

Effectively evaluating peer work requires a different strategy to evaluating other types of health work. We explain the differences and why they are important.

The W3 Framework Guide

Peer responses can use the W3 Framework to enhance their monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) practice. It supports the production of more meaningful evidence to show the full impact and value of peer work.

We designed this guide to help you understand the W3 Framework and apply it to your peer response. It puts together everything we have learned so far throughout the W3 Project.

The guide has three parts: an overview of the W3 Framework itself, a step-by-step guide to applying it, and a toolkit to help with the application process.

Petrina Hilton

The W3 Framework Guide The W3 Framework Guide The W3 Framework is a tool to help peer responses enhance their …

More on evaluating peer work

Still looking for more information? These posts:

  • Have information about peer responses that have used (or are using) the W3 Framework to inform their own evaluation processes
  • Describe tools that can help peer programs with their evaluations
  • Showcase some of our research projects about using the W3 Framework to support evaluations of peer responses
Petrina Hilton

Stage 3 of the W3 Project is now underway. The goal is to build an evidence base to help demonstrate the impact and value of peer-led work in the Australian HIV and hepatitis C response.

Petrina Hilton

We share how the PozQoL Project developed and validated a 13-item scale to measure changes in the quality of life of people living with HIV.

W3 Framework

Stage 2 of the W3 Project trialled the W3 Framework in peer-led PLHIV and PWUD organisations in Victoria, Australia.

W3 Framework

This presentation focuses on how systems thinking can help demonstrate the role of peer leadership in public health responses.

W3 Framework

An impact analysis of the W3 Project reveals that the W3 Framework helps evidence replace a sense of ‘believing’ that peer-led actions work.